Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question, we should have the answer you’re looking for!

Community Channels

Once I have registered for community channels and I try to login, I receive an error message stating my account has not been activated?

Please check if you have clicked on the activation link that was sent to the email address that you used to register to Link Channels.

I have registered my details on the Link Channels Portal and clicked on the activation link. How do I create my first channel?

When you login for the first time you will be automatically directed to the create channel page. Simply fill in the channel details and any other specifications with your channel logo. Click on “Create Channel”.

I’ve created a channel but the gear icon is orange and I can’t find the channel on the app. How come?

After you have created a channel it is sent to a Link administrator for approval. Once it is approved your channel will be live on the app. Approval can take up to 24 hours. For further assistance, please contact us at and include the name of the channel you want to be approved.

How do I edit my channel’s name or details?

Click on the gear icon next to your created channel, select “edit”. You will be able to edit the channels details. Please remember to click on “Save channel” for the changes to take effect.

How much does it cost to have my channel on Link ?

This is a free service from Link.

Am I limited to only creating security channels?

Not at all. Link also offers news and general channels. News and general channels can be left open for any Link user to follow without validation from the channel owner.

The Link Channels Portal cannot be accessed in full?

We recommend using Google Chrome as your portal browser of choice.

I am not receiving any notifications with the communities portal for posts that users are making?

Please ensure that your notifications settings are enabled. Click on the bell at the top of the page, then click on the grey settings gear on the dropdown menu and then click on the receive notifications tab to activate notifications. Also, ensure that your Permissions are set to the correct settings on your browser by clicking on the lock in your internet browser bar at the top of the screen.

I am using an intranet at my workplace and I am not receiving notifications?

Please ask your system administrator to set up your intranet with the following settings to help you receive notifications. If your organization has a firewall that restricts the traffic to or from the Internet, you need to configure it to allow connectivity with GCM for our GCM client apps to receive messages. The ports to open are: 5228, 5229, and 5230. GCM typically only uses 5228, but it sometimes uses 5229 and 5230. GCM doesn’t provide specific IPs, so you should allow your firewall to accept outgoing connections to all IP addresses contained in the IP blocks listed in Google’s ASN of 15169.

I am getting an error that says “data tables warning?

Please be patient the server may be down for maintenance. Contact if the error persists.

How safe is my information on the Link Channels Portal?

We use the latest security and encryption technology to secure the Link servers and platform. All data flowing between app and servers are encrypted.

I keep getting a message saying “Only jpeg or png files are supported!” when uploading an image“. What’s wrong?

Make sure that the image you are trying to upload is a .jpeg or .png file. All other formats will be rejected by the Link Channels Portal.

I need a channel report for one of my channels, Is such a report available to me?

Yes, you can use the reporting tab to create a variety of reports. If you would like to request additional information for your reporting purposes, please contact

Error and Success messages on the Link Channels Portal.

Landing Screen (Forgot password?)
  • Please enter a valid email address. (when you try to click reset button with no email entered)
  • Success! Check your email for further instructions. (when you have clicked on the reset button with a valid email)
  • Sorry, your email address was not found. Please try again. (when email entered for forgot password does not exist on system)
Landing Screen after clicking on reset password link in email (Reset password)
  • Password mismatch between the new password and the password confirmation! (when resetting password)
  • Your password has been successfully changed! (when resetting password)
  • Please upload a channel display image (when you click the create channel button without adding a photo)
  • Only jpeg or png files are supported! (when an incorrect image format is uploaded)
  • Please fill in the following fields: Name, Description, Full Name, Contact Number (when you click the create channel button with some fields empty)
  • Thank you for creating a channel. It has been sent to Link for approval. Check back soon! (after you created a new channel)
  • Channel successfully deleted! (if successfully deleted channel)
  • Oops something went wrong! (if server error when deleting channel)
  • Incident successfully deleted! (if deleted security incident)
  • Article successfully deleted! (if deleted news article)
  • Post successfully deleted! (if deleted general post)
  • Oops something went wrong! (if server error when deleting content)
  • Only jpeg or png files are supported! (when an incorrect image format is uploaded)
  • Please upload an article display image (if news article created/edited without uploading an image)
  • Please select a category (if no category is selected)
  • Please fill in the following fields: Incident Date and Time, Description (when creating/editing incidents)
Sharing incidents with other channels
  • No channel selected (if no channel selected for share)
  • Incident shared successfully! (after you shared a security incident)
  • Article shared successfully! (after you shared a news article)
  • Post shared successfully! (after you shared a general post)
  • Data Not shared, something went wrong (if server error when sharing content)
  • Comment successfully deleted! (if comment deleted)
  • Oops something went wrong! (if server error when deleting comment)
  • Only jpeg or png files are supported! (when an incorrect image format is uploaded)
  • Please select at least one channel to share notifications with this Link number! (if no channel is selected to share notifications with)
  • Please enter a valid cell phone number! (if you enter an invalid number in the share channel notification field)
  • The phone number 27620625841 has been successfully linked! (if you enter a valid number in the share channel notification field)
  • This number is already an admin for the selected Channel. (if you enter a valid number in the share channel notification field)
  • Please upload a CSV! (when you click on the invite with csv button and have no csv file attached)
  • Validation Error! – is not correctly formatted (when you click on the invite with csv button and have an invalid csv file attached)
  • Users successfully invited. Please notify all users with a full name ‘invited non-Link user’ to install the Link app (when you click on the invite with csv button and have a valid csv file attached)
  • Oops something went wrong! (if server error when deleting shared channel/shared notification)
  • Please enter an email address! (if no email address added to share channels with)
  • Please select at least one channel to share with this admin! (if no channel is selected to share channels with)
User approve/decline/ban

Oops something went wrong! (when backend has server issue when changing user state)

Contact support

Please give us a description of your problem. (when no description specified)

Incident Map

Default date setting is 1 months’ worth of incidents.

Incident markers not found! (If server problem when getting incident markers)


Default date setting is 1 months’ worth of incidents.

Incident markers not found! (If server problem when getting incident data)